
Steve Dept, Founding Partner of cApStAn LQC, is the new Chair of the ITC Membership Committee

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that on Thursday 7 December 2023, cApStAn Founding Partner Steve Dept took over the responsibility of chairing the International Test Commission (ITC)’s Membership Committee. Steve will take over this role from Peter McQueen. The role involves recruiting and retaining members, but also assisting in capacity-building activities through member focused initiatives and information sharing. Steve sees this new position as an opportunity to contribute to the dissemination of the ITC’s guidelines and other resources and to contribute to the promotion of best practice in testing, measurement, and assessment. He hopes to see you all at the ITC Conference in Granada in July 2024, under the theme “Working together to improve cross-cultural assessment and research”!

The ITC, founded in 1976, is a global organisation that focuses on the promotion of best practices in the design, development, and use of tests and assessments. It aims to ensure the highest standards of quality, fairness, and equity in testing. It serves as an international forum for the exchange of information and ideas related to educational and psychological testing and organises international conferences and events, bringing together experts and practitioners to discuss the latest developments, challenges, and advancements in the field. Members of the cApStAn team have attended ITC conferences since 2006, and our Founding Partner Steve Dept, who is a member of the ITC Council, has played a key role in developing the “Translation and Adaptation” chapter of the 2023 joint ITC/ATP Guidelines for Technology-Based Assessment.

See also our article titled “Introducing the Translation and Adaptation Chapter of the ITC/ATP Guidelines for Technology-Based Assessment”