Steve Dept | International Test Commission (ITC)
by Pisana Ferrari

Steve Dept, Founding Partner of cApStAn LQC, co-opted to serve a 4-year term on the ITC Council

At the International Test Commission’s (ITC) biennial conference, in Granada, ITC President-Elect Kadriye Ercikan (She/her/hers) will pick up the baton from President Stephen G. Sireci. cApStAn’s Founder Steve Dept (he/him/his) was just co-opted to serve a four-year term on the ITC Council. Steve looks forward to working with his peers, researchers and practitioners alike, to disseminate …

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14th Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM)
by Anubhav Nathani

14th Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) Regional Steering Committee Meeting

The field trial of the current cycle of the comparative survey of core skills at 5th grade level of Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics 2024 (SEA-PLM), was completed in 2023. Our elite project manager Grace DeLee coordinated the translation and linguistic quality control activities for the seven participating countries: Lao PDR, Viet Nam, Philippines, Myanmar, …

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by Pisana Ferrari

“cApStAn at a scale”, Jan Denys, CEO, and Steve Dept, Founding Partner

No comparative surveys without comparable data Twenty-four years ago, cApStAn started developing, testing, fine-tuning and implementing methods to ensure comparability between different language versions of tests and questionnaires. That was our core activity and it still is. Tests and questionnaires are measurement instruments. They measure knowledge, skills, attitudes, trends, or opinions. They link data points …

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by Pisana Ferrari

The PISA 2022 results are out! cApStAn is proud to have been a part of this important scientific endeavour

December 5 2023 marked the official launch of the PISA 2022 results. PISA is world’s most significant international large-scale education assessment. These results inform education policies and stakeholders across the globe. They allow benchmarking of education systems and enable participants to look at effective teaching practices. They also help identify investments in education that yield …

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by Pisana Ferrari

“Navigating the Frontiers of DEI and AI: Insights from cApStAn’s 2023 I.C.E. Exchange Experience”

One of cApStAn’s teams is just back from Colorado Springs, USA, where they attended the 2023 Institute for Credentialing Excellence (I.C.E.) Exchange. Devasmita Ghosh (Business Development and Marketing Lead), Nela Manojlovic (Project Manager) and Founding Partner Steve Dept spent a full week there. One needs to begin with the venue. The Broadmoor is a mythical …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Reflections from the e-Assessment Association (eAA) Conference: Insights, Connections, and New Perspectives

The 2023 edition of the e-Assessment Association Conference, which took place in London, June 6-7, offered valuable insights, connections, and fresh perspectives to industry professionals, encouraging collaboration and knowledge exchange. It covered a broad range of topics, including language bias in AI and inclusive assessment practices, exam security enhancements, innovative test design, guidelines for validity …

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cApStAn at ATP Innovations in testing Conference 2024
by Pisana Ferrari

OECD PISA 2025 National Project Managers’ meeting in Lisbon, 12-17 March 2023

cApStAn is the international contractor in charge of linguistic quality assurance in PISA 2025. This includes training participating countries/economies to follow a standardised translation and adaptation approach and using mature translation technology: cApStAn’s presence was prominent in Lisbon for the first PISA 2025 National Project Managers’ meeting from March 12 to 17, 2023. PISA 2025 …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Disruptive potential of ChatGPT: should we ban it, reinstate oral exams, return to pen and paper, or embrace it?

ChatGPT is the new AI tool trained by OpenAI that everybody is talking about. ChatGPT works like a written dialogue between the AI system and the person asking it questions and has mind boggling encyclopaedic knowledge. It has allegedly passed the very complex the US medical licensing exam (USMLE), say researchers in the USA who have put …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Are some languages more difficult to read and write than others? This matters a lot in comparative education assessments

Antonella Sorace, Professor of Developmental Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh, says that while understanding and speaking a language come naturally, learning to read and write is not something that brains develop automatically. Prof. Sorace raises a question that matters a lot in the context of comparative education surveys and assessments: “Are some languages more difficult than others”? (i) …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Open AI’s ChatGPT may result in educators having to rethink tests and assessments 

Everyone is confronted with the breakthrough of (and the hype around) ChatGPT, a new AI tool trained by OpenAI launched at the end of last year. ChatGPT works like a written dialogue between the AI system and the person asking it questions. Open AI says the dialogue format “makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer questions, admit its …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Walking at a Brisk Pace, by cApStAn’s co-founder Steve Dept  

With the epic backdrop of geopolitical turmoil and environmental urgency, it may seem awkward to dwell on our minute successes. What with the barbaric invasion of Ukraine? What with the courageous revolt of the Iranian people in general and of Iranian women in particular? What about the denial of the right to education for Afghan …

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by Pisana Ferrari

cApStAn joins forces with ACER and OAT to implement PISA 2025

For the 9th consecutive time, cApStAn will guide the translation and adaptation teams of all PISA participants in translating assessment instruments so that they remain comparable internationally. In this cycle, cApStAn will provide training and support to 90+ translation teams and ensure linguistic equivalence across 120+ locales (a locale is language-country combination). PISA 2025 is …

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