by Pisana Ferrari

Just out: the new ITC/ATP guidelines on tech-based assessment. Proud to have been a part of this!

It has been a privilege for cApStAn to work on the test translation and adaptation section of the Guidelines for Technology-Based Assessment of the International Test Commission (ITC) and the Association of Test Publishers (ATP). Quoting cApStAn co-founder Steve Dept “this monumental resource was compiled, reviewed, carefully edited, discussed with some of the most knowledgeable experts in the field, is packed …

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by admin

On-Demand Webinar | cApStAn & DEI-BR in multilingual and multicultural Tests & Surveys – Language variations and cultural considerations

Awareness of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in tests, assessment, polls and surveys is growing, becoming increasingly indispensable as it both ensures the fairness of tests and the reliability for any data collection instrument. It is a very positive move! We at cApStAn are not  DEI-BR experts per se. We are a language company which partners …

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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Bias Reduction
by savita.gauchan

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Bias Reduction Consultancy

Looking at standardized tests and questionnaire content through the lens of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Bias Reduction (DEI-BR) Standardized tests and questionnaires are used in a variety of contexts such as admission to university, certification, accreditation, or hiring. Fairness, validity and reliability are objectives that every testing organisation strives to address. The processes in place …

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gender bias article
by devasmita.ghosh@capstan.be

New research using AI on a corpus of 3.000 books reveals a 4:1 male-female literary imbalance

by Pisana Ferrari – Branding and Social Media Manager Despite progress in recent decades, gender disparity still affects many aspects of economic, social and cultural life. Two researchers at the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California have used AI to uncover a very substantial gender disparity, with a 4:1 male-female imbalance, also …

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by admin

Comparability of certain notions, and perception of ethnicity in particular, across EU countries

Recently, Steve Dept, cApStAn’s founding partner and director of strategic partnerships was interviewed by Margaux LUCAS-NOWACKI, PhD student in political sciences, University of Strasbourg. The session was very informative and we thought of sharing the questions and answers with everyone in the survey localisation space. Could you describe the whole process of translating a survey …

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ATP 2022 cApStAn
by admin

Great to be present on site at the ATP Innovations in Testing conference, the world’s leading event in the testing industry

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village Steve Dept, cApStAn Founding Partner, and Musab Hayatli, Managing Director of the Philadelphia office, were thrilled to be in Orlando at this year’s ATP Innovations in Testing conference, the world’s leading event in the testing industry. The event had over 1,200 delegates combined between in-person …

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ATP 2022
by admin

2022 ATP Innovations in Testing Conference

The ATP Innovations in Testing 2022 Conference is almost here and we’re excited to be there! We are looking forward to presenting at the conference with some of our industry colleagues on the following topics: You Can Do Better Than Comply with the Standards: A Collaborative Cross-check of your DEI-BR Processes Speakers: Christine Mills, Kelly …

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by savita.gauchan

Developing Equitable and Fair Learning Products: A Discussion of Ethical AI in EdTech at the ATP EdTech and Computational Psychometrics Summit

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village The 2021 edition of the ATP EdTech and Computational Psychometrics Summit (ECPS) took place virtually on December 8th and 9th, 2021. On December 8, in the course of a session titled “Developing Equitable and Fair Learning Products: A Discussion of Ethical AI in EdTech”, leaders …

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by savita.gauchan

Why diversity, equity and inclusion and bias reduction are important in credentialling: a report from the ICE 2021 conference

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village Recent social justice movements across the world have raised awareness, on an unprecented level, of the inequities in our society, and have set off a global cultural debate around the themes of diversity, equity and inclusion and bias reduction (DEI-BR). During one of the sessions …

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by savita.gauchan

“Ableist” language receives renewed attention in the current debate on diversity, equity and inclusion

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village “Falling on deaf ears”, turning a “blind eye”, making a “dumb” choice… Expressions like these are widely used but can have damaging effects on millions of people, even if there is no intent to do harm. Sara Nović, an American writer, translator, creative writing professor …

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by savita.gauchan

Diversity, equity and inclusion may be the real issues at stake in the debate around the Amanda Gorman translation

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village “One of the more unexpected twists of an unprecedented year is that the little-known business of literary translation has become a source of public controversy”. This is how the Los Angeles Times comments the heated debate around the translation of US Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman’s …

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by savita.gauchan

Including diversity in AI can help to minimise bias and also makes good business sense

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village Bias and discrimination are “creeping” more and more into day-to-day (automated) decisions on access to jobs, credit, parole and many more areas. In a recent talk at EmTech Digital, Tess Posner, Executive Director at AI4ALL, says that AI systems are only as fair and ethical …

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