by Pisana Ferrari

Multilingual skills assessment translation series, Episode 1: Unlocking the power of existing translations from a previous test cycle

This is the first episode of an informative series on good practice in skills assessments translation. It is based on cApStAn’s extensive experience in the multilingual assessments on which we have worked with reputable testing organisations. The purpose of the series is to illustrate the complexity of test translation and the added value of a …

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by Pisana Ferrari

cApStAn LQC team attends 78th AAPOR conference in Philadelphia

cApStAn team members Grace DeLee and Musab Hayatli joined survey and public opinion researchers in attending the 78th conference of AAPOR, the leading association of public opinion and survey research professionals, which took place in Philadelphia, from May 10th to May 12th. The conference provided a unique opportunity for Grace and Musab to exchange ideas …

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by Pisana Ferrari

cApStAn team just back from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) conference 2023 in Boston

Steve Dept, Founding Partner, and Devasmita Ghosh, Business Development Lead at cApStAn Linguistic Quality Control, are just back from Boston, USA, where they attended the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) conference 2023. This was an intense event packed with thought-provoking content. We see a shift from elation about the promises of AI and Large Language Models towards …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Are personality tests “bad” for DEI? An interesting article for Forbes by Csaba Toth, Founder of ICQ Global 

In an opinion piece for Forbes Csaba Toth, Founder of ICQ Global, comments on the recent “buzz” on LinkedIn about personality tests being pointless, biased and bad for diversity, equity and inclusion. Toth says that personality tests should not be used for performance evaluation or recruitment as they measure preferences and not skills. So the …

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psychometric tests
by savita.gauchan

Double Source Double Translation Design For A Leadership Assessment Questionnaire

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village The Halin Prémont Enneagram Indicator, developed by Belgian researchers Philippe Halin and Jacques Prémont, is a scientifically validated questionnaire designed to determine the respondent’s Enneagram type. It is used for leadership coaching and has 52 questions used to attribute a score out of 100 for …

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programming skills test
by devasmita.ghosh@capstan.be

Disentangling Proficiency in Programming from Proficiency in English: Codility meets cApStAn

by Pisana Ferrari – Branding and Social Media Manager If the level of language proficiency of a skills assessment is too high, this may hamper the correct measuring of these very skills. For example, a skilled programmer may not pass a test due to the high threshold of English proficiency that is required in order …

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Psychometric test translation
by admin

On-Demand Webinar | Pitfalls to Avoid while Translating Psychometric Assessments

Psychometric assessments have become a crucial component of the recruitment and development process at scale. To hire the right candidate, one needs to ensure that the tests are fair, valid, reliable and defensible in all the languages that are available to the test takers. Different types of assessments present different challenges, and we shall show …

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The Chaos Management Skills Assessments translation
by savita.gauchan

The Chaos Management Skills Assessment Series: A Test Translation Case Study Episode 1 Retrieving and leveraging existing translations

by Steve Dept, cApStAn CEO Please don’t spend too much time looking up the Chaos Management Skills Assessment. It is a fictitious project, which we set up for the exclusive purpose of this informative series on good practice in skills assessments translation. We have collated events and features from several multilingual assessments on which we …

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by savita.gauchan

Remote work is the new normal for many, but what of the future? There may be far better reasons to embrace it than just avoiding the coronavirus

Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village Much has been said and written in past months about how the current coronavirus crisis will affect the future of work. Carola Milanesi is the founder of The Heart of Tech, a consultancy focused on education and diversity, and is often quoted as an industry expert in …

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by savita.gauchan

Opportunity@Work and Accenture call on employers to tap into the hidden pool of talent of “Skilled Through Alternative Routes” (STAR) workers

Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village The debate on whether skills training could emerge as a viable and scalable future alternative to college is long standing and heated. There appears to be, however, a mounting consensus that colleges and universities have not come close to keeping up with the skills demanded by …

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by savita.gauchan

There’s a new obstacle to landing a job after college: getting approved by AI

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village Students preparing for a job interview have to face a “stark new reality”, reads a recent article by Rachel Metz for CNN Business: they could be vetted in part by artificial intelligence. There is a surge in the use of algorithms to analyze details such …

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by savita.gauchan

EU agency analyses 32 m online job offers to map skills most in demand

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village About 32 million unique online vacancy postings from seven EU countries (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Italy, UK) have been collected by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) and processed through big data and machine learning techniques.(1) Skills intelligence is …

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