Category Archives: Survey translation and localisation

Multilingual skills assessment translation series, Episode 1: Unlocking the power of existing translations from a previous test cycle
This is the first episode of an informative series on good practice in skills assessments translation. It is based on cApStAn’s extensive experience in the multilingual assessments on which we have worked with reputable testing organisations. The purpose of the series is to illustrate the complexity of test translation and the added value of a …
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cApStAn LQC team attends 78th AAPOR conference in Philadelphia
cApStAn team members Grace DeLee and Musab Hayatli joined survey and public opinion researchers in attending the 78th conference of AAPOR, the leading association of public opinion and survey research professionals, which took place in Philadelphia, from May 10th to May 12th. The conference provided a unique opportunity for Grace and Musab to exchange ideas …
“cApStAn LQC team attends 78th AAPOR conference in Philadelphia”
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cApStAn Founding Partner Steve Dept presenting at e-Assessment 2023 on how to mitigate bias in multilingual and monolingual assessments
cApStAn co-founder Steve Dept is delighted to have been invited to be a speaker at the International e-Assessment and Awards conference taking place in London June 6-7, 2023. His talk, titled “Meaning shifts, perception shifts – language as a component of inclusiveness”, is scheduled for Day 1 at 11:00 BST. In multilingual or in monolingual …
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How fair is it to deliver your exams only in English?
In the 21st century, “accessibility” often includes language, but translating a test into the strongest language of all test takers may not be realistic. Nevertheless, passing or failing a test should not depend on reading proficiency. Tests and exams are a gate for life chances and—unless being proficient in the language of the test is …
“How fair is it to deliver your exams only in English?”
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Walking at a Brisk Pace, by cApStAn’s co-founder Steve Dept
With the epic backdrop of geopolitical turmoil and environmental urgency, it may seem awkward to dwell on our minute successes. What with the barbaric invasion of Ukraine? What with the courageous revolt of the Iranian people in general and of Iranian women in particular? What about the denial of the right to education for Afghan …
“Walking at a Brisk Pace, by cApStAn’s co-founder Steve Dept “
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Multilingual Surveys: Five cost-effective steps to improve your questionnaire before translation begins
by Steve Dept, cApStAn CEO In multilingual surveys, there is a strong trend towards performing more “upstream” quality assurance work to reduce the need for “downstream” corrective action. The late Professor Janet A.Harkness (1948-2012) relentlessly insisted on how important it is to craft questionnaire items carefully before they serve as a basis for translation and …
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Why back translation is inadequate to assess quality in translated surveys
by Steve Dept, cApStAn co-founder When translating a survey, a linguistically correct, fluent translation does not ensure that same constructs are measured, that the survey questions are understood the same way or, for that matter, that comparable data will be collected with the translated survey questionnaire. This explains why more sophisticated translation designs are required …
“Why back translation is inadequate to assess quality in translated surveys”
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cApStAn’s Steve Dept and Devasmita Ghosh reporting from the 75th WAPOR conference 2022 in Dubai, UAE
The World Association for Public Opinion Research, WAPOR, is an international professional association for survey research whose members recognise the centrality of public opinion in shaping and serving society. The 75th edition of WAPOR’s annual conference was held in Dubai, UAE, from November 10 to 13, 2022. Our founding partner Steve Dept contributed to one of …
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cApStAn founding partner Steve Dept at WAPOR 2022 on how to focus on cross-cultural and cross-language comparability in survey questionnaires
The World Association for Public Opinion Research, WAPOR, is an international professional association for survey research whose members recognise the centrality of public opinion in shaping and serving society. The 75th edition of WAPOR’s annual conference was held in Dubai, UAE, from November 10 to 13, 2022. cApStAn’s founding partner and strategic partnerships director Steve Dept was …
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The elusive encounter of a survey methodologist, a platform engineer and a translation technologist
by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village For the past two decades the literature has hailed “team translation” as the gold standard in survey translation. Team translation is when you have several translators working separately on the same questionnaire and then they get together and discuss their translations to come to a …
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“Anticipating Culture-Driven Perception Shifts in Multilingual Data Collection”, WAPOR 2022
cApStAn co-founder Steve Dept will be speaking on November 12, 2022, at WAPOR’s 75th Conference being held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on the topic of perception shifts in multilingual data collection. The talk is scheduled as part of session 12.4.1 on “Challenges of comparative research and international survey projects”, chaired by Kazimierz M. Slomczynski of …
““Anticipating Culture-Driven Perception Shifts in Multilingual Data Collection”, WAPOR 2022″
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Live Webinar | Test and Questionnaire Adaptation – When Straightforward Translation Doesn’t Work
If “how many sides does a hexagon have?” translates to “how many sides does a six-sided figure have?” in language X, then the translated item will not measure the same knowledge or skill. In benchmarking studies, however, comparability across different language versions of an item or question is not merely an objective, it is a …
“Live Webinar | Test and Questionnaire Adaptation – When Straightforward Translation Doesn’t Work”
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