psychometric tests
by savita.gauchan

Psychometric tests often have high stakes: how to address potential biases and other challenges when adapting them in multiple languages

Psychometric tests in technology-rich environments, adaptive psychological tests, social and emotional skills, and profiling tests have gone multinational, thereby increasing the need for translation and adaptation into multiple languages. Our twenty years of experience in test translation have resulted in a vast knowledge base of linguistic features known to drive or affect psychometric characteristics of …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Just out: the new ITC/ATP guidelines on tech-based assessment. Proud to have been a part of this!

It has been a privilege for cApStAn to work on the test translation and adaptation section of the Guidelines for Technology-Based Assessment of the International Test Commission (ITC) and the Association of Test Publishers (ATP). Quoting cApStAn co-founder Steve Dept “this monumental resource was compiled, reviewed, carefully edited, discussed with some of the most knowledgeable experts in the field, is packed …

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by savita.gauchan

Translatability and Cultural Suitability Workshops for Test Authors

Steve Dept, cApStAn CEO It may take a psychologist or a subject matter expert to be a test author and develop good questions, but nothing speaks against that person being monolingual, right? It doesn’t prevent them from doing a sterling job. Anglo-Saxon items writing practices have dominated the assessment universe for over half a century, …

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best approach the translation and adaptation of tests and surveys for gendered languages
by savita.gauchan

How to best approach the translation and adaptation of tests and surveys for gendered languages

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village  Standardized tests and assessments are used in a variety of different contexts: admission to schools and universities, professional certifications, hiring, or collecting information about background variables, for example, and can come in more than one language. In this case, test or assessment developers will need …

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Psychometric test translation
by admin

On-Demand Webinar | Pitfalls to Avoid while Translating Psychometric Assessments

Psychometric assessments have become a crucial component of the recruitment and development process at scale. To hire the right candidate, one needs to ensure that the tests are fair, valid, reliable and defensible in all the languages that are available to the test takers. Different types of assessments present different challenges, and we shall show …

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by savita.gauchan

Everything you want (and need) to know about producing and validating tests and questionnaires in multiple languages

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village Open Bar – Live Q&A – Thursday, October 28, 2021 Our first in the series of cApStAn Open Bar – Live Q&A webinars took place on October 28. Our new format: a very short PowerPoint – with five slides sent to participants in advance– and …

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validity of multilingual assessments
by savita.gauchan

On-Demand Webinar | Why psychometricians & linguists need to join forces to improve the validity of multilingual assessments

Why psychometricians & linguists need to join forces to improve the validity of multilingual assessments Speakers – Steve Dept, Founder & CEO Recorded Live on Aug 19, 2020 | Duration: 45 minutes Carefully crafted assessment tools too often depend on subtle wording choices, which are expected to trigger certain reactions in respondents (or not). This is …

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multilingual tests
by savita.gauchan

Multilingual tests: Why adequate training of linguists is a key component of translation quality in test translation and adaptation

by Steve Dept, cApStAn CEO All language service providers will claim that they only work with experienced translators, which is mostly true, but this does not per se ensure translation quality. Serious organisations – and there are many – will invest time in preparing their test translation and adaptation projects thoroughly for multilingual tests: this …

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by savita.gauchan

Multilingual tests: when do you translate, when do you adapt? And how?

by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village What reasonable investments should you make to move beyond the “just translate it” attitude? When do you translate, when do you adapt? What workflows work best for the translation of assessments? These are just some of the issues addressed at a well-attended webinar organised jointly …

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