Planning to go international with your tests and assessments? Don’t miss our session at ATP 2019
Multilingual assessements will be a hot topic at ATP Innovations in Testing 2019 (March 15-20, Orlando, US) as there is a growing awareness of the need of a robust translation/adaptation design when administering tests in multiple languages. Advances in test adaptation and state-of-the-art translation technology have changed the paradigm. cApStAn has organized, coordinated and supervised the translation/adaptation process in major international large-scale assessments (ILSAs) for two decades. Today cApStAn applies this expertise in multilingual psychological tests and talent management instruments. We have made a modest but tangible contribution to this field by continuously shaping, testing and streamlining best practices in test and questionnaire localization, and by promoting them at conferences such as the ATP, E-ATP, I-ATP and ITC.
Visit us at our booth #414 and join us for an unmissable session on translation and adaptation, where we bring you, in collaboration with our partners Prometric and PMI, our experience into best practices to follow, and pitfalls to avoid, if you plan to go international with your tests and assessments! We look forward to seeing you in Orlando!
More about ATP at http://www.innovationsintesting.org/