Breaking news: cApStAn listed in the Slator LSP Index
by Steve Dept, cApStAn CEO
cApStAn has made in to the Top 100 on this year’s edition of the Slator LSP Index. We are listed in the category of the “Boutique Language Service Providers”. cApStAn is the only Belgian agency listed in this category, and is in the top 10 as regards growth rate from 2018 to 2019. There are language service providers who are not on this list because they may have chosen not to disclose information. It is a landmark for cApStAn, as this reflects the consolidated closing of accounts (cApStAn SA in Brussels and it subsidiary cApStAn Linguistic Quality Control, Inc. in Philadelphia, PA). Not a bad result for a highly specialised niche player, poised to maintain a healthy organic growth in 2020. The Slator LSP Index is an index of the world’s largest translation, localization, interpreting, and language technology companies.
Read more @ https://bit.ly/3a8WuMb
Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn about our linguistic quality assurance services for high-stakes tests, assessments and surveys, do e‑mail us at hermes@capstan.be or fill the form below, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.