cApStAn April 2018 newsletter
by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village
Welcome to the first issue of cApStAn’s new-fangled monthly newsletter. What is different about it? Of course we’ll share news about recent developments in the cApStAn ecosystem. We also intend to post snippets of information about and around the linguistics field in general, about testing and assessment, and the advent of artificial intelligence / machine learning / neural machine translation in good old time-served translation technology.
I guess you all know that cApStAn positions itself as a high-profile language service provider: our incredible core team of 20+ linguists and translation technologists (17 nationalities) coordinates a network of some of the finest 300+ language and subject matter experts in the profession. We specialise in linguistic quality assurance and cross-language equivalence of all sorts of data collection instruments e.g. credentialing exams, surveys, polls, international large scale assessments, psychological tests, and UX surveys. Flagship projects include OECD / PISA, the European Social Survey, IEA / TIMSS, Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project.
We hope you will enjoy reading it and, of course, your feedback and constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated.
Link to the newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/c5dfeaad919c/capstan-lqc-newsletter-april-2018?e=