Second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2)
EU-OSHA’s Second European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER-2) is an extensive survey that looks at how European workplaces manage safety and health risks in practice.
The survey is carried out via computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) administered by native language interviewers. The survey questionnaire is complemented with interviewer guidelines, motivation letters, a web page for respondents, e-mail for the online version.
Project Scope
cApStAn was commissioned by TNS (now Kantar) for a translatability assessment of the master questionnaire and the production of 47 national versions of the survey instruments for 36 countries and 30 languages, using a very robust translation method, namely documented double translation, reconciliation and adjudication following the TRAPD model (Translation-Review-Adjudication-Pre-test-Documentation).
The scope of cApStAn’s mission included a broad range of linguistic quality assurance and quality control measures.
The challenge was inherent to the scale of the project and the amount of coordination and collaboration required to secure appropriate linguists for all the different roles, organize the multi-step work and deliver on time after many iterations.
There were scenarios where the domain specialist and the linguist had conflicting views on the translations and it was crucial for cApStAn PMs to moderate and manage this complex process, to resolve controversies and deliver the final translations on time.
Project execution process
Outcome achieved
The well-organised process, the professionalism of all participants and the excellent cooperation with the linguists on the one hand and with TNS and EU-OSHA on the other resulted in the timely delivery of an end product that met the most stringent quality standards.
The success of such a complex project also relies on the cooperation spirit among the parties involved: the survey authors, the local domain experts, the linguists and the project managers.
Want to try this out on your materials?
Select some sample items or sample questions, and request a free pilot at hermes@capstan.be or contact us via the form below for more details.